Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Averil S. - Current Event Post

Are Affectionate Tourists Harming Endangered Florida Manatees?
Original Article Written By: Kim Bussing; January 5, 2016; www.dogonews.com

Manatees travel every winter in large groups of over 6,000 to the warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico, just off the coast of Crystal River, Florida. Tourists of the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuges flock this time of year to swim and touch the manatees. This attraction is quickly growing and has earned the region over 30 million dollars in recent years. However, recent studies show that all the human interaction and affection is stressing out the manatees, and at some measures killing them. The article states, “They maintain that the animals seek warm waters as a place to rest and conserve energy. But with so many crowded around them that is not possible.” The Florida Fish and Wildlife conservationists are worried that the manatee’s dwindling numbers could put them back on the endangered list. There is not a simple solution to this problem, unfortunately. The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility can’t take out the attraction because of how the money will affect the region and its people. However, people have agreed that this can’t stay the same, therefore they put their heads together to make rules to save the manatees.

This article, I feel, is definitely important for people to read and understand, so that they can help other animals that are possibly struggling in their communities. This situation was a very good example of how to help animals that are endangered or are threatened to be so. The people in the article began with the problem of the manatees becoming endangered by the tourists showing over affection to them. The region worked together to solve the problem with the conservationists, and this could have an impact on others dealing with problems like the conservationists of the manatees had. Conservationists and scientists could totally take away ideas and strategies to dealing with the problems they are facing with saving other animals. This article, however, is not just for those people. Anybody who loves animals can easily spread awareness about this problem and help others in your community to save their animals. This article is related to the science we have been studying because it demonstrates ecology. This is an area that we have had many demonstrations, simulations, and articles on. The definition of ecology is a branch of biology that deals with the relation between organisms and their physical surroundings. The manatees are organisms that are showing relation to their environment by being affected by the humans in their ecosystem.

I chose this article because I love animals, if not already demonstrated in my writing. I also enjoy reading about animals that need help, such as the manatees. I enjoy having that knowledge about them. I hope to read more articles about problem solving for endangered animals in the new year to come.
Written By: Averil Sahagian
“Are Affectionate Tourists Harming Endangered Florida Manatees.” www.dogonews.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016. <https://www.dogonews.com/2016/1/5/are-affectionate-tourists-harming-endangered-florida-manatees>.


  1. I love your topic and I love the way you put this piece together! I went to florida and there was a manatee and he was so adorable his name was curious George.

  2. I love your topic and I love the way you put this piece together! I went to florida and there was a manatee and he was so adorable his name was curious George.

  3. it was so interesting i wont to no more i hope they are ok you did a varey good job.

  4. I thought this was a really interesting topic and it was written well and I learned a lot from it


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