Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kaitlyn R Current Event Post

  Kaitlyn Roderick
                  1/15/16  RR

China's 'Floating City' Was Most Likely A Rare (Superior) Mirage Or Fata Morgana

By Kim Bussing
December 3, 2015

In the Chinese cities of Jaingxi and Foshan there was an optical illusion.  Up in clouds many people saw what looked like a whole city of skyscrapers.  This happened on October 7, 2015.  It was a naturally occurring optical illusion called a Fata Morgana.  What really happened was the humans weren’t seeing things correctly.  Humans need light to see.  The light rays bounce off objects and enter our eyes.  Our brain always thinks the rays are coming to our eyes in a straight line.  But this isn’t true.  The skyscrapers were projected in the clouds on bent light rays and differences in temperature.

When we are doing our science experiments, it would be a good idea to look carefully.  Can we trust our eyes?  If you put a pencil in a glass of water it would look bent, but is really isn’t.  So when using microscopes and observing experiments, it is best to go slow and look carefully. It is real or an optical illusion?


  1. great job I really like all of your detail and effort! just remember to indent on the beginning of each paragraph.

  2. great job I really like all of your detail and effort! just remember to indent on the beginning of each paragraph.


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