Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Paige C current event

December in US Was Hottest in Modern Times

Author:  AFP
Source:  News.discovery.com
Date:  Jan 7, 2016

Paige Caulfield

Did you realize how warm and rainy our December was?  There are reasons why this occurred.  The article I read was December in US Was Hottest in Modern Times, it was about how warm and rainy it was in December of 2015.  The articles information came from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report.  The article talked about how “temperatures soared past the last record-breaking December, which was in 1939.” This weather happened in the USA.  Four states had their hottest weather year ever.  One reason for the warm temperatures is because of El Nino bringing rain.  The report also said this year there were 10 bad weather disasters that caused 155 deaths.  

I chose this article because I could relate to it and understood it because of our weather.  I was also interested in the article because I wanted to know why this was occurring the the US, the title caught my eye. I personally thought this was happening because of global warming but I found out about El Nino and what El Nino does to our climate.  I agree with the scientists and what they had to say.  I think their information is correct they have lots of facts and evidence.  This information is important because they can learn more about El Nino and it’s impact.  They might be able to use this data to try to prevent some of these disasters or warn people about it ahead of time.  I would like to know a little bit more about the science behind El Nino and why it occurs.  

"December in US Was Hottest in Modern Times : DNews." DNews. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2016.


  1. good job but maybe you can add a video next time and add picture. -_-

    Good job on stating the fact and supporting your reasoning.

  2. good job paige it was good

  3. Your project was very detailed, I learned a lot about your topic, I liked your explanation for why you chose the article. I think you should add a picture.

  4. Your project was very detailed, I learned a lot about your topic, I liked your explanation for why you chose the article. I think you should add a picture.

  5. I did learn quite a bit from your article and just a small thing but you might want add a indent on the first paragraph


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